Shopping bag are usually plastic t-shirt bags or die cut bags. Because of it has handles, and easy to buy and carry, it is widely used in supermarkets, shopping malls etcetera.
T-shirt bag are classify to single t-shirt bag and t-shirt bag on roll. Single t-shirt bag can be made to very big size and thickness, so that could contian lots of goods. While t-shirt bag on roll and die cut bag are generally used to pack small articles which are not valuable. Generally, t-shirt bag on roll has paper cores indise, it can be put on the shaft, and people can tear the bag off when need.
As t-shirt bag are used very often and caused serious pollution problems when disposed after using. Some contries in Mid-east and South Asia have issued severely plastic bag ban, which forced plastic bag maker to find alternative bag making machines, which can use bio-degradable materials. And Silstar Machinery developped bio-degradable t-shirt bag making machines promptly, and were being well acknowledged and reputations.